
research, technology, innovation

EscoLab opens the doors of Catalonia’s state-of-the-art laboratories and research centres and offers an opportunity to converse with investigators working on the advancement of society.

More than 8.000 places to carry out scientific activity free of charge for students of secondary school (ESO), Spanish baccalaureate and vocational training. Proposals include not only the experimental sciences and technology, but also the social sciences and humanities, architecture, business innovation, journalism, early childhood education and sports sciences, among others.

From October to June, EscoLab is offering more than 100 different proposals involving investigators of research groups belonging to universities, science parks, hospitals and companies, all of them ready to satisfy students’ curiosity.

The activities consist in conferences, in-person workshops and tours that reveal the immense diversity of laboratories operating today and that offer the chance of direct contact with their multidisciplinary teams and lines of research. You will gain first-hand experience of their new discoveries and enrich the contents of your classroom studies by linking curriculum and the latest scientific developments.

Prior registration for activities is essential and can be submitted from September. To book your place, you must be a registered user.

All activities are free and places are limited.

How to book an activity??

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S’apropa un nou curs Escolab ple de ciència!

Benvolguts i benvolgudes,


Esperem que hàgiu passat molt bones vacances. Com ja us vam avançar al juliol, aquest nou curs Escolab compta...

S’apropa un nou curs Escolab ple de ciència!
